"quadb.pl+transf dict" - just prolog form of list prolog with fn'ism, large db of preds x 1-level deep preds x fnism - run all finds preds for which data, not name is known *1 - findall, maplist-done? - enter ?([1,1],[2]) for ?=+, a([1,1],[b]),?([b,1],3). - to find which sub-fn is missing rec'n - enter preds: - +(a([],b,b), a(a,b,c),":-", ( a=[d|a1], %% x head, tail append(b,[d],e), a(a1,e,c))). x just convert p->lp, *1, run, add new part to to db, add alg by itself to file - only new part is run all - different algs which parts of are taken from - alg guesses next line of spec set by decomp *2 - finds with each time *2 - fn'ism means var name->fn name x just with findall,maplist - with a number of levels, it could take too long x limit fn'al levels - needs [],"",_ - x use existing caw*, specs for algs and supercomputer